Shanghai Pal-fin Automatic Control Technology Incorporated Company,
founded in 2004,focus on industial area.
1, As the main supplier for industrial vehicle ang off highway machine manufactories in China, we provided solution including controller and sensor, HMI and joystick, measure and control system.
2, As the promotor of new energy technologies, we developed natural gas engine technology for inland river ship. We also provided control system and ship networking system. We developed AI ship technologies.
3, We engaged in trade of industrial products. We deveolped e-commerce platform (Saas) to help customers trade on the internet.
4, We have accumulated many innovative scientific and technological achivements, semi-finished products, prototypes and intangible asset. Based on the experience in mechanical engineering, marine engineering, antomotive engineering, power engineering, information engineering, we actively promote the trandformation of scientific and technological achievements, including but not limited to : consultation, investment, incubation, transfer, industrialization, etc.